Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Hey there everyone! Happy Valentine's Day! :)

Most of you proably already know this, for those of you who didn't, I'm dating Corey Tindall. :D Most of you probably know him, but if you don't you probably recognize his name from my previous posts. He was the bass player in my band on Project and we've been really good friends ever since. In January we made it official. :) He's dee behst! (Nacho Libre reference, anybody?)

Now I truly cannot contain myself and simply MUST tell you how my day went. I woke up this morning in a lot of pain and feeling kind of sick. I tweaked out my back yesterday, and because of that I slept not much at all, thus feeling sick in the morning. However, I resolved to do my laundry and homework and try to go to class.

I decided to leave for piano class and ask my TA if I could just play for him and then leave, because my back was hurting so badly. I was about half way to my car when I saw a Fed-Ex truck pull up in front of my apartment. My roommate, Shelsea, tends to get a lot of stuff in the mail, so I thought it must be for her. However, since nobody was home I ran back over the apartment. This is how the conversation went.

Me: "Excuse me! Hi. I live there, but nobody's home right now."

Fed-Ex Guy: "Oh. Well, are you Hannah?"

Me: "Yes..."

Fed-Ex Guy: "Well then, here you go!"

He handed me a box. It was 18 long stemmed roses from Corey Tindall. 

I was so surprised and thrilled! And I just had to share it with the few of you that read this blog. Haha!

Oh, and he also made me a video of himself singing and playing "Brown Eyed Girl" on the guitar. I think that is what truly won over my heart. :)

Thanks for putting up with my obnoxious bragging, everyone. Happy Valentine's Day! :)
