Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 1 of Keynote Summer Project

Wow, this has been an awesome day. Last night Andrew brought over his friend, Jay, (a Summer Project returnee) over for one purpose and one purpose only: making bacon. 

Yeah, it was beautiful thing. We fried up the bacon and then ate. I convinced them that eating a bite of bacon with a bite of chocolate chips would be a good idea. Yeah, it was delicious. :)

At around 2:00 Tina took me to the hotel we're staying at, and I was instantly greeted by loads of friends. Some I already know, like my friend Brian from the San Diego Winter Conference worship band, and some I have been getting to know via Facebook. It was so encouraging to see everyone, and to be welcomed with open arms. God totally calmed my fears. 

I'm rooming with 4 other awesome girls named Alesha, Jessica, Lizzie and Tess. Jessica and I are roommates, which is super sweet. I'm stoked.

Chelsie, Natasha, (they're in Stop on Green with me, so you'll see their names a lot), Derrick and I then loaded up into Brian's car and almost died attempting to play Chinese Firedrill. Well, correction, I almost had a heart attack watching Chelsie and Derrick attempt a Chinese Firedrill. But here's pictures of us before the maddness ensued. :)

We got to the Keynote Office and talked with a lot of people. It's so cool to meet everyone, and hear all about how they decided to come here. I got to see Seth, our staff guitarist from San Diego, which was super fun. Here's some picture of the people at the Keynote building. 

Dinner was catered from Big Hoffa's so I was super excited about that. Big Hoffa's two days in a row? I think so. :)

Keynote put together a staff band for us of all of the team directors, so after dinner they led us in worship. It was so awesome. I wish I had pictures, but I don't. 

After that we all headed back to the hotel and chilled for a little while and then decided to go on a Wal-Mart run, which really turned into a "Meijer" run. This store is seriously just like Wal-Mart...only...Meijer... Anyway I took pictures of it, because I'm trying to document everything. Here's Chelsie jammed into a child's car stroller thing.

Now I'm back in my room, and I'm super excited about tomorrow. In the morning we're having official orientation and getting all of our music charts and stuff. Super stoked. :)

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