Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ways a Four Year Can Make You Smile

Hello all! I blog, because I realize it's been a ridiculous amount of time since I last blogged. To tell you the truth, I've been a little busy, because 5 weeks ago I started working at the Oaks Children's Center! Thank you to those of you that prayed for me in regards to this particular job. God truly did answer.

I'm a Teacher's Aide for the Pre-Kindergarten classes. It's really incredible how I even got the job. As you all know, I had to take a summer school class to complete my last 4 units for UCI. It was for my Social and Behaviorial Sciences Gen Ed requirement. I decided to take Child Development, because I love kids and I thought it would be more interesting than some of the other options.

Because I took Child Development, I had to do 6 observations at a local Children's Center. I thought it would be easiest to choose The Oaks, because I'm familiar with the layout and the some of the staff, since I go to church there and used to be a janitor there. (Haha, funny who things turn out.)

As I was doing the observations, the director (Lori) of the pre-school suggested I fill out an application to be an Aide, because I had enough units. Of course, I said yes. (Did I mention how much I love kids?)

However, when I turned in the application, Lori seemed less than hopeful. Enrollment was down, and she wasn't sure they could hire me. I was super discouraged, but continued calling to make sure. About a week later, Lori called me back and told me that they did need some one to work the closing shift from 1:00 to 6:00 every day. Their numbers had increased. I said I'd take it, since part time was SO much better than nothing. She told me if their numbers continued to increase, she might need to move me to full-time, but she couldn't promise anything.

A week after I started, she had to move me to full-time. Their numbers have sky-rocketed. We currently have over 100 students, and more coming. Isn't God amazing? I love my job, and I love the kids. Here are some conversations that just might prove why. (The names have been ommitted).

Her: "Miss Hannah!"
Me: "Yes?"
Her: "If you hold this feather for a really long time, you'll turn into a bird."
Me: "Really? So when I see you on Monday, you'll be a bird?"
Her: "Yes."

Her: "I like Jesus, but not God."
Me: "...Why?"
Her: "Because Jesus has the same eyes as me."

Her: "Uh-oh! My pocket ripped."
Me: "Oops! We'll have to get your mommy to fix it."
Her: "...With duct tape?"

Her: *playing with my hair* "We're getting you ready for your date."
Me: "My date? Who am I going on a date with?"
Her: "Justin Bieber."

Me: *singing* "Jesus feeds His little lamb on the B-I-B-L-E."
Her: "That means you read the Bible."
Me: "That's right! What is the Bible?"
Her: "You read it."
Me: "Yes, but what is it?"
Her: "Umm...Jesus is in it."

Him: *giving her some flowers*
Me: "Why did you give her flowers?"
Him: "Because I love her."

Do I have the best job or what? :) Oh sure, there are the difficult kids, but I find them to be the most rewarding. My hope is that God will give me the energy and patience to be able to love on them in a way that assures them that He loves them even when their lives are hard or they make mistakes.

In other news, I am just an audition video away from being done with my Keynote application. Wow! It's been a long journey, and I trust it's not over. It's hard to see what's going to happen next, though i certainly have wasted some energy trying to figure it out by myself. I was encouraged the other day by a verse that said:

""In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

That verse is my life in a nutshell. :) Please pray that the Lord would give me peace to wait for His perfect timing and to continue to seek Him, even when I am exhausted.

Thanks for reading everyone! Hopefully there will be more blogs posts soon! :)

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