It's been a while since I have blogged--as per usual. But I saw a blog post from a friend who was calling it "Thankful Thursday". I thought that it would be a great idea to do the same thing. It's always good to remind yourself what you're thankful for. God is always faithful to provide good things, and if we took more time to thank Him (even for the small things) we'd all be much happier. :)
I'm thankful that a little over 2 months ago, I married my best friend. :)

I'm thankful that I have supportive parents.
I'm thankful for brothers that make me laugh.
I'm thankful for a brand new oven.
I'm thankful for the kids' smiles and hugs at work.
I'm thankful for an apartment with air conditioning and efficient management.
I'm thankful for friends who like to play "Munchkin".
I'm thankful for long phone calls with my Summer Project sister.
(this picture makes me laugh)
I'm thankful for cell phones, because it keeps even the long distance people in touch.
I'm thankful that going to college in Irvine taught me to love the beach.
I'm thankful for sunflowers.
I'm thankful for my baby cousin (and her brother), and that she drew me this picture a little while ago.
I'm thankful for rain, even though it's a rare occurance here.
I'm thankful for Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
I'm thankful for Jesus Christ, who died so that I may have life--and have it abundantly.
So...what are you thankful for?
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